30 August 2023



23 August 2023




Local 4-H Members Graduate,  Receive Scholarships

Local 4-H Members Graduate, Receive Scholarships

Local 4-H Members Graduate, Receive Scholarships On Sunday, July 23, at the Fond du Lac County Fair 21 4-H members graduated. Graduation certificates and discs are sponsored by the 4-H Adult Leaders Association. Many of these 4-H members were in the 4-H program for more than 10 years. Graduates include South Byron 4-H members Madelyn King, Jackson Luedtke, and Jaye Zingsheim. Scholarships




Tree Dieback

Tree Dieback

| VIEWS| Tree Dieback CAROL SHIRK CERTIFIED MASTER GARDENER This summer drought has been tough on many plants, trees included. Some trees have shown significant decline and die back (bare branches at the top or one side). However, there are multiple reasons for decline of trees beyond drought. Exploring those reasons can help diagnose the problem, hence develop a potential solution.


Have You Been Listening?

Have You Been Listening?

| ENJOY EVERY SANDWICH | Have You Been Listening? MITCHELL BRADLEY KELLER EDITOR I would not blame you if you did not know, but the Milwaukee Brewers baseball team is nearing its 70th win this season and holds a three-game lead over some club from Chicago in the National League Central standings. The Brewers boast one of the best starting pitching rotations in the majors and have an offense
