Submit News – Campbellsport News

Announcement Forms:

We invite you to submit your announcement using one of the forms below. There is no charge to place an announcement and a photo may be included in it. Please direct any questions to

Other News Items:

Send Letters to the Editor, news tips, photos, news articles, and sports to:

Clarice Case, Acting Editor
phone: 920-533-8338
PO Box 277, Theresa, WI 53091

Send information on churches and obituaries to:

Gayle Rydstrom
phone: (920) 533-8338
PO Box 277, Theresa, WI 53091

*Photos should be in JPEG/JPG format and attached to the email alone, NOT embedded in other documents.

Views & Letters To The Editor Policy

We welcome all readers to contribute to our Views page and submit Letters-to-the-Editor, but we ask you follow the rules:
• All letters must be signed by the author along with a residential address and contact information (phone number or e-mail) to verify identity.
• Names may be withheld from a letter at the editor’s discretion and only if including the name could cause harm or other consequences to the author.
• Letters should be concise and to the point. Letters should be limited to 750 words. The editor has the right to publish longer letters chosen on interest, history, merit and/or relevance.
• No letters will be printed that are not in good taste, are defamatory or libelous.
• Letter authors are required to provide documentation that proves or gives credence to the facts and figures used in a letter. The editor will verify that claims are correct before the letter can be published.
• Authors are allowed to write on a particular subject once per calendar month unless the editor allows additional letters.
• We do not publish letters of thanks or poetry unless determined meritorious for publication by the editor.
• No mass-mailed letters or letters from outside the readership area will be printed.

Political Letters-to-the-Editor and Candidacy Releases

All letters submitted as an endorsement for a political candidate, referendum or ballot measure will be charged $40 per letter of up to 250 words in length. Longer political letters will be accepted but will be charged $10 per additional 50 words.
All political letters must be prepaid prior to printing.
Letters-to-the-Editor will not be accepted from candidates running for election or representatives of an organization endorsing their own referendum; those submissions will be referred to our advertising department.
Candidates are permitted to send one (1) press release up to 500 words announcing their candidacy and campaign initiatives per election cycle.
All additional releases will be referred to our advertising department.
Initial candidacy press releases will not be solicited.
Submit your candidacy release to the editor:

Send all letters and releases to:
106 S. Milwaukee St.
P.O. Box 277
Theresa, WI 53091
or e-mail: