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Lloyd A. “Kicker” Wagener

Lloyd A. “Kicker” Wagener Lloyd A. “Kicker” Wagener

Lloyd A. “Kicker” Wa­gener passed away on Sep­tem­ber 4, 2022 in his home. He was 93.
Lloyd was born Oc­to­ber 20, 1928, in Hori­con to Arthur and Mary Wa­gener, join­ing two sis­ters, Pearl and Alice and one brother, Ray­mond.
Lloyd at­tended Hori­con Pub­lic School and was a 1946 grad­u­ate. One of his proud­est mo­ments was when he and his bas­ket­ball team­mates won the Lit­tle Ten Bas­ket­ball Cham­pi­onship in 1944-45. Lloyd was very ac­tive in sports at Hori­con High School: all four years par­tic­i­pat­ing in foot­ball, bas­ket­ball, and track, and base­ball three years.
After grad­u­a­tion Lloyd worked at John Deere until he was called to serve his coun­try in 1951 in U.S. Army in the 2nd Ar­mored Di­vi­sion called the ‘Hell on Wheels’ Di­vi­sion sta­tioned in Ger­many.
Lloyd and Ber­nice Schwartz were mar­ried in Hori­con on Jan­u­ary 24, 1953.
Lloyd was proud to live and work in Hori­con, for John Deere Hori­con Works, Stok­ley Van Camp and the City of Hori­con De­part­ment Pub­lic Works.
In 1956 Lloyd’s in­ter­est in com­mu­nity ser­vice for his home­town began. He served the City of Hori­con as a mem­ber of the Hori­con Fire De­part­ment, the Hori­con School Board and the Rock River Hills Golf Course Board of Di­rec­tors.
After his re­tire­ment Lloyd served the City of Hori­con as third dis­trict al­der­man, then as mayor. He also served on the Oak Hill Ceme­tery Board of Trustees until the time of his death.
Lloyd was very ac­tive ad­vo­cat­ing for vet­er­ans through the Amer­i­can Le­gion, hav­ing served many lead­er­ship roles on the local, dis­trict and state level even­tu­ally being elected as the com­man­der of the Wis­con­sin Amer­i­can Le­gion. Lloyd went on to con­tinue his ad­vo­cacy for nearly 20 years on a na­tional level, and an ac­tive board mem­ber on the Le­gion-spon­sored Bad­ger Boys State for nearly 30 years. He was also a mem­ber of the Vet­er­ans of For­eign Wars, 40/8, and the I.O.O.F. bet­ter known as the Odd Fel­lows.
As busy as Lloyd was, he found time to enjoy bowl­ing, fish­ing, and hunt­ing with his fa­ther Art, his uncle Del, son Ed­ward, brother-in-law Glen Muen­chow, and friend Norb Key.
Sur­vivors in­clude his chil­dren, Ellen Sun­der­land of Hori­con, Faith (Don) Klostre­ich of Yuma, AZ, Linda Wa­gener of Madi­son, and Ed­ward (Vicki) Wa­gener of Cam­bridge; grand­chil­dren, Jill (Jaeme­son), Kai­ley, Dharma, Traci (Dar­rell), Holli, Kelli, Brian (Chelsea); great-grand­chil­dren, Jay, Tyler, Trevor, Amanda, Justin, Whit­ney, Jor­dan, Bray­den, Levi, Kiley; great-great-grand­chil­dren, Alese, Bella, Eliza, Birdie, Cata­laya, Je­seth, Yaya; and many nieces and nephews.
Lloyd was pre­ceded in death by his wife, Ber­nice, who passed away on No­vem­ber 17, 2017. They were mar­ried for 69 years. He was also pre­ceded in death by his par­ents, Arthur and Mary Wa­gener; two sis­ters, Pearl Young, Alice Wa­gener; one brother, Ray­mond Wa­gener; brother-in-law, Rus­sell Young; sis­ter-in-law, Lu­cille Wa­gener; and son-in-law, Stephen Sun­der­land.
A cel­e­bra­tion of life will be held at Zion Lutheran Church Hori­con on Lloyd’s birth­day, Thurs­day, Oct. 20, at 12 p.m. with the Rev. Daniel Vojta of­fi­ci­at­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion will be held on Thurs­day, Oct. 20, from 10 a.m. until the time of the ser­vice at 12 p.m. In­urn­ment will take place at Oak Hill Ceme­tery, Hori­con with mil­i­tary hon­ors pro­vided by the Hori­con Amer­i­can Le­gion Post #157 and the Army Honor Guard.
In lieu of flow­ers, memo­ri­als may be made to Zion Lutheran Church Hori­con or Hori­con Amer­i­can Le­gion Post 157 build­ing fund.
Spe­cial thanks to Home In­stead and Hill­side Hos­pice care­givers for their car­ing and sup­port of Kicker and his fam­ily.
Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Hori­con is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com
