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Linda S. Kovacevich

Linda S. Kovacevich Linda S. Kovacevich

Linda S. Ko­vace­vich (nee Ih­len­feld) beloved mother, wife and daugh­ter, was called home to eter­nal life, age 52, on Tues­day, Sept. 6, 2022, at her home in Theresa, with her fam­ily by her side after a 19-year bat­tle against can­cer.
Linda was born to Mary (nee Gun­drum) and Robert Ih­len­feld in West Bend, on Jan­u­ary 22, 1970.
She grad­u­ated from Slinger High School, class of 1988, and wed her high school sweet­heart, Tim­o­thy D. Ko­vace­vich, at Res­ur­rec­tion Catholic Church in Al­len­ton on Au­gust 11, 1990. To­gether they raised three beau­ti­ful chil­dren.
Linda has gone be­fore her hus­band Tim; son, Jacob (Nolyn Brun­ner) Ko­vace­vich; daugh­ter, Lena (Jor­dan) Kempfer; son, Eric (Hai­ley) Ko­vace­vich; par­ents, Bob and Mary Ih­le­feld; brother, Ken (Karly) Ih­len­feld; brother, Steve (Pam) Ih­len­feld; brother-in-law, Jim El­len­becker; fa­ther-in-law, Doug (Judy) Ko­vace­vich; sis­ter-in-law, Mary (Craig) Short­land; and sis­ter-in-law, Lanae (nee Lan­don) Ko­vace­vich. She is fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other spe­cial rel­a­tives and many trea­sured friends.
She was pre­ceded in death by her sis­ter, Ju­dith M. El­len­becker; mother-in-law, Mar­garet (nee Novak) Ko­vace­vich; brother-in-law, Rick Berger; and brother-in-law, Paul Ko­vace­vich.
She at­tended MATC where she re­ceived a de­gree in in­te­rior de­sign. In 1991, Linda and hus­band Tim opened Tim­lin’s Fur­ni­ture to­gether in Hart­ford where it is still fam­ily op­er­ated after 31 years.
Above all, Linda’s heart was on fire for oth­ers, and she in­spired all who found their way into her life. She worked du­ti­fully through Com­pas­sion In­ter­na­tional to sup­port many chil­dren in need – fre­quently writ­ing to spon­sored chil­dren and even trav­el­ing to visit the mis­sion in El Sal­vador with her daugh­ter, Lena, in 2018. Fur­ther, Linda was a pas­sion­ate mother and rais­ing her three chil­dren was the great­est joy of her life.
Through stead­fast faith, she was ex­ceed­ingly pa­tient and led us all coura­geously through the count­less tri­als set be­fore her. As she con­sid­ered treat­ment op­tions for her lat­est di­ag­no­sis, her re­sponse re­flected the grace she car­ried through­out her en­tire life, “ei­ther way, I win.”
Thank you to the staff of Froedtert Med­ical Col­lege for the many price­less years that you gave us back with Linda. A spe­cial thanks to Linda’s neu­rol­o­gist and on­col­o­gist for the end­less sup­port and con­sul­ta­tion through the many dif­fi­cult de­ci­sions we had to make.
A Memo­r­ial Ser­vice cel­e­brat­ing Linda’s life was held Wednes­day, Sept. 14, at North­brook Church, 4014 High­way 167 W, in Rich­field. Linda was laid to rest at Sa­cred Heart Ceme­tery in Al­len­ton on Thurs­day, Sept. 15.
In lieu of flow­ers, the fam­ily would re­quest that you help to con­tinue Linda’s hard work with Com­pas­sion In­ter­na­tional by spon­sor­ing a child, sup­port­ing their cause, or do­nat­ing to an­other Chris­t­ian char­ity.
The Shi­mon Fu­neral Home is serv­ing the fam­ily. Con­do­lences and trib­utes may be shared: www.​shi​monf​uner​alho​me.​com
