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DuWayne R. Margelofsky

DuWayne R. Margelofsky DuWayne R. Margelofsky

DuWayne R. Margelof­sky, 75, of Juneau passed away peace­fully on Sun­day, Oct. 17, at his home sur­rounded by his lov­ing fam­ily.
Wayne was born in Oconomowoc on March 24, 1946, the son of Robert and Gladys (Cram­let) Margelof­sky. Wayne grew up on a farm near Hus­tis­ford.
Later he oc­ca­sion­ally tended bar at his par­ent’s tav­ern, Mock­ing­bird Hill, where he met the love of his life. On July 24, 1971 he was united in mar­riage to San­dra Folyer of Juneau at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Neosho.
He worked on con­struc­tion mainly in north­ern Wis­con­sin for Michels Pipeline of Brownsville and later for Town & Coun­try Con­struc­tion of Mayville, where he was com­monly known as Margo. Later he worked for the Dodge County High­way De­part­ment where he plowed snow in the win­ter and mowed road­sides in the sum­mer until re­tire­ment in 2007.
In his younger years, he en­joyed deer hunt­ing by Wis­con­sin Rapids with his cousins Paul and Wes­ley Van Marter and great friend John Fog­a­rty. If the walls of that cabin could only tell sto­ries.
Fam­ily was every­thing to Wayne and he loved the time he spent with them. He en­joyed going to the casi­nos, es­pe­cially going to Las Vegas with fam­ily and friends. He also en­joyed the many cruises to the Caribbean, in­clud­ing trips to Alaska and Hawaii.
Wayne would tell you he loved doing his yard­work and took great pride in how it looked. Many com­mented his lawn was like a plush car­pet. In 2007 Wayne and Sandy de­cided to build their re­tire­ment home and move south. That being the south side of High­way 26.
Wayne has been a mem­ber of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Juneau for many years.
Wayne is sur­vived by his wife of 50 years, San­dra, of Juneau; his daugh­ters, Shelby (Tim) Loomis and Sheila Margelof­sky of Juneau; his grand­chil­dren, Bran­don Loomis (Sab­rina), Katie Loomis (Dan Moyni­han) and Saman­tha Loomis; and one great-grand­child, Levi Loomis, all of Juneau. He is also sur­vived by his broth­ers, Robert (Nancy) Margelof­sky, David (Sandy) Margelof­sky; broth­ers-in-law, Charles Knuep­pel and John (Melody) Folyer and fa­ther-in-law, Glen (Linda) Folyer; fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews and other rel­a­tives and friends.
He was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents; sis­ter, Mar­lene Knuep­pel; brother, William (Bill) Margelof­sky; sis­ter-in-law JoAnn Margelof­sky; mother-in-law, Eve­lyn Folyer; brother-in-law Dale Folyer, and a grand­son.
Spe­cial thanks to Rain­bow Hos­pice staff Jody G, Jes­sica, Saman­tha and Dr. Mc­Gorey for their help and sup­port the last cou­ple weeks.
Vis­i­ta­tion is Sat­ur­day, Oct. 23, at St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church, 400 S. Main Street, Juneau, WI from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Fu­neral ser­vice will fol­low at 1 p.m. Rev. David Brandt will of­fi­ci­ate. In­ter­ment will be in Juneau City Ceme­tery. Lun­cheon at church will fol­low the grave side ser­vice.
Memo­ri­als, if de­sired, may be di­rected to St. John’s Lutheran Church of Juneau or Rain­bow Hos­pice of John­son Creek.
The Berndt-Ledesma Fu­neral Home-Juneau is serv­ing the fam­ily.
