22 November 2023


Top 5: Songs About Thanks

Top 5: Songs About Thanks

| ENJOY EVERY SANDWICH | Top 5: Songs About Thanks MITCHELL BRADLEY KELLER EDITOR The Thanksgiving holiday is among us, and tradition calls for our expressions of gratitude. Rather than bore you with what I’m thankful for this year (my family, my friends, this newspaper and the communities it covers), I thought I’d bring back a “Top 5” list with this one recognizing some songs


Finding Gratitude in the Present  and History of Thanksgiving

Finding Gratitude in the Present and History of Thanksgiving

| PUBLISHER LETTER | Finding Gratitude in the Present and History of Thanksgiving Dear Reader, As we approach Thanksgiving, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the history of this beloved holiday and remind ourselves of the importance of gratitude in our lives. Thanksgiving Day in America has a rich and meaningful past, steeped in tradition and a spirit of coming together. The origins




| RURAL WRITES | G.A. SCHEINOHA CONTRIBUTOR It’s not a holiday we recall much. Leastwise, specific memories, such as Christmas (best present ever) or Easter (the year you ate your weight in chocolate cream eggs). Only to undergo an intensive pink stuff treatment come Monday. If anything, Thanksgiving is blurred into a nearly seamless patched quilt remembrance. A feast of gluttony begun






Saved by a Sub

Saved by a Sub

Saved by a Sub KARL MCCARTY CONTRIBUTOR It was in the middle of 1943 and Bob Kohler, an established missionary, didn’t want to leave the mountains of Bukidnon Province. That’s how his daughter Lou Anne Daniels of South Eden remembers it. She would know, she was there when she had to flee the Japanese Military by directive of General Douglas MacArthur. This is how she got home. To the

