01 December 2021






Cheese – Becoming America’s Dairyland

Cheese – Becoming America’s Dairyland

Cheese – Becoming America’s Dairyland A milk man picks up milk at Dobberpuhl farm near Zion’s Church, Theresa, in a picture with a possible date of 1920. submitted A view of the Koepsell Cheese Factory at Hochhiem, Theresa/Herman township, circa 1890s. Cheesemaker Herman Koepsell, wearing tall hat, poses with family and farmers bringing milk. submitted ROB BOWE CONTRIBUTOR By the 1880s,




Cook Embarks on New Role as  Lady Lions Basketball Coach

Cook Embarks on New Role as Lady Lions Basketball Coach

Cook Embarks on New Role as Lady Lions Basketball Coach Marshman point guard Mason Wolff crosses half court during the first half of the team’s inaugural game of the 2021-22 season. Mitchell B. Keller photo The Horicon Marshmen basketball team stands for the playing of the nationa’s anthem. Horicon started their season spotless with a 52-33 win over non-conference Palymra-Eagle last week



Waterfowl Hunters Protect Favorite Hunting Areas

Waterfowl Hunters Protect Favorite Hunting Areas

| AREA| Waterfowl Hunters Protect Favorite Hunting Areas Like all hunters, waterfowl hunters know the value of wild lands. Beyond the hunt, there’s the stillness of a foggy morning, comradery with hunting dogs and friends, and a chance to breathe some fresh fall air after a long, exceptionally hot summer. Many waterfowl hunters also know that aquatic invasive species (AIS), like zebra