17 October 2022


John Phillip Wahlen

John Phillip Wahlen

   John Phillip Wahlen, Jr., 76, of Theresa, passed away Oc­to­ber 12, 2022, peace­fully at home.   He was born in Mil­wau­kee on Sep­tem­ber 9, 1946, to Ruth Ros­now Wahlen Knox and John Wahlen.   He met his wife Margery But­ler in Au­gust of 1971 and pro­posed in Oc­to­ber. They were mar­ried in West Bend on May 13, 1972.   John felt that every­one that he met was his friend, no mat­ter how well he knew them. He did have many great friends who he has known most of his life.   John worked at the United States Postal Ser­vice Plant in Mil­wau­kee for 37.5 years. He started out as a mail han­dler and worked his way to an elec­tronic tech­ni­cian. John kept all the equip­ment run­ning so we could get our mail.   He en­joyed work­ing on cars and mo­tor­cy­cles. When he met his wife, he had a 1957 Chevy that he had com­pletely re­built. He had started out work­ing as a mo­tor­cy­cle me­chanic to work through col­lege.   John was ac­tive in his church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat­ter-Day Saints. He helped to start the Rich­field His­tor­i­cal So­ci­ety, and worked with the YMCA and the Boy Scouts of Amer­ica.   John spent twelve years liv­ing his dream of trav­el­ing across the United States and Alaska in an RV with his wife. He made many friends as he trav­eled.   John leaves be­hind his wife of 50 years, Margery But­ler Wahlen; three chil­dren, John Phillip Wahlen III, Joy Elaine (Eric) Wag­ner, and Fred­er­ick Major (Ar­i­ana) Wahlen; grand­chil­dren, Zach­ery Wahlen, Eliz­a­beth Wahlen, Emma Wag­ner, Re­bekah (Jacob) David, Mada­lynn Wag­ner, Rus­sell Wag­ner, Owen Wag­ner, Kevin Ramirez, and Bella Wahlen; broth­ers, James (Sharon) and Keith (Joanne); sis­ters, Kaye Hud­son and Ivy (James) Rit­ten­house; step-brother, Wal­ter (Har­riet) Knox; and step-sis­ter, Chere (Rod­ney) Iver­son. He is fur­ther sur­vived by his mother-in-law, Daisy But­ler; cousins, Thomas Williams, Susan Williams, Sally William Mor­gan, Robert Nuss, James Nuss, Todd Noble, Paul Noble, and Glen Noble; as well as nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives and friends.   A memo­r­ial ser­vice for John will be held on Thurs­day, Oct. 27, at 12 p.m. at The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat­ter-Day Saints (347 N Coun­try Lane, Fond du Lac, WI 54935). Fam­ily will greet rel­a­tives and friends on Thurs­day at Church from 10 a.m. until the time of ser­vice. In­urn­ment will be at Theresa Union Ceme­tery.   Memo­ri­als in John’s name came be di­rected to Leukemia So­ci­ety or the Mus­cu­lar Dy­s­tro­phy As­so­ci­a­tion.   The fam­ily would like to thank the doc­tors, nurses, and staff at St. Agnes Hos­pice Hope for their care and com­pas­sion.   Myrhum-Pat­ten Fu­neral & Cre­ma­tion Ser­vice has been en­trusted with John’s arrange­ments. Please con­sider sign­ing our on­line guest book (www.​myrhum-​patten.​com) to share your con­do­lences with the fam­ily.
14 October 2022


Edward “Ed” R. Krahn

Edward “Ed” R. Krahn

   Edward “Ed” R. Krahn, 62 of Tucson, AZ, passed away on Sunday, April 17, 2022.   Ed was born on October 5, 1959, the son of Kenneth Krahn. Upon graduating from Lomira High School in 1977, Ed went on to serve in the US Marine Corp. After serving in the Marines, Ed moved to Denver, Colorado, where he drove truck professionally.   Throughout his adult life, Ed lived in Colorado, Alabama and Arizona. He was a prolific reader, enjoyed history, debating politics and current events.    Those Ed leaves behind to cherish his memory include his father, Ken Krahn; five sisters, Annette Weber of Hailey, Idaho, Kim (Steele) Hatter of Cortez, Colorado, Juanita (Brian) Okon of LeRoy, Wendy Giese of Fond du Lac, and Maria (Joel) Sampson of Lanesboro, Minnesota; nieces, Gretchen, Andrea, Catherine, Jessica, Hailey, Julia and Nora; nephews, Brock, Jamie and Benjamin; other relatives and friends. He will be missed by all who knew him.   Ed was preceded in death by his mother, Shirley (nee Rowley) Troyan; and his loving stepmother, Camille Krahn.   A graveside service in remembrance of Ed will be held on Saturday, Oct. 29, at 11:30 a.m. at Union Cemetery in Theresa.   The Myrhum-Patten Funeral Home of West Bend has been entrusted with Ed’s arrangements. Additional information and guest book may be found at www.myrhum-patten.com.


Virginia R. Laabs

Virginia R. Laabs

   Vir­ginia R. Laabs (Keup), 91, of Mesa, AZ. went home to be with her Lord and Sav­ior on Tues­day, Oct. 4, 2022, at Ban­ner Bay­wood Med­ical Cen­ter in Mesa.   Vi­rig­inia was born the daugh­ter of William and Bertha (Roedi­ger) Keup on March 19, 1931, in Theresa, and was bap­tized and con­firmed at Im­manuel Lutheran Church (Hocheim.)    She was a 1949 grad­u­ate of Mayville High School.   Vir­ginia was united in mar­riage to Her­man Laabs on June 25, 1950. They spent most of their mar­ried life in West Bend, where they were ac­tive mem­bers of St. John's Lutheran Church. Vir­ginia will be fondly re­mem­bered for her tremen­dous cook­ing and bak­ing skills, as she loved to make meals for fam­ily and friends and many spe­cial oc­ca­sions. She loved music, es­pe­cially in the church set­ting. She sang in var­i­ous church choirs over the years and passed the love of music on to her three sons.   After re­tire­ment and mov­ing to Ari­zona, Vir­ginia be­came an ac­tive vol­un­teer along­side Her­man, a WW2 pilot, in the Ari­zona Wing of the Com­mem­o­ra­tive Air Force at Fal­con Field Mesa. They par­tic­i­pated in many events there such as Vet­er­ans Day ac­tiv­i­ties hon­or­ing mil­i­tary pi­lots from WW2 to pre­sent.    Vir­ginia is sur­vived by her sons, Jim (Janis) Laabs of Mesa, AZ, Tom (Susan) Laabs of Mesa, AZ, and Rev. Bruce (Barb) Laabs of Wa­co­nia, MN; her grand­chil­dren, Erin, Ben, Andy, Heather, and Heidi; and great-grand­daugh­ter, Au­rora; fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives, and friends.   She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents; her hus­band, Her­man, in 2015; an in­fant son; sis­ters, Sylvia Athey and Lois Groth; and brother, Mar­tin Keup.A Res­ur­rec­tion Cel­e­bra­tion for Vir­ginia will take place at St. John Ev. Lutheran Church in Mayville on Sat­ur­day, Oct. 29, at 1 p.m. with the Rev. Bruce Laabs of­fi­ci­at­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion will take place from 12 p.m. until the time of the ser­vice at 1 p.m. at the church in Mayville. In­ter­ment will take place at Hochheim Ceme­tery with a light lun­cheon to fol­low at the church.    Memo­ri­als in lov­ing mem­ory of Vir­ginia may be di­rected to the Col­lege Schol­ar­ship Fund at Christ Green­field Lutheran Church, Gilbert, AZ.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com


Jeffrey L. Fischer

Jeffrey L. Fischer

   Jeffrey L. Fischer, 58, of Mayville, passed away on Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2022, at his home in Mayville   Jeff was born the son of Eugene and Janice (Puls) Fischer on December 7, 1963, in Beaver Dam. He was a 1982 graduate of Mayville High School.   Jeff had been a longtime employee of Metalcraft of Mayville and worked there for over 28 years.   He was united in marriage to Jacquelyn Carlson on August 2, 2020, in Juneau.   In his spare time, Jeff enjoyed the outdoors and loved a chance to take a ride on his Harley, his boat, or on a snowmobile. He loved to work on his 1972 Dodge Duster. Jeff also loved an opportunity to sit by a bon fire and enjoy a few beverages and conversation with his friends.   Jeff is survived by his wife, Jacquelyn of Mayville; his mother, Janice Fischer of Mayville; his father, Eugene Fischer of Minnesota Junction; his step-children, Maxwell Breber of Mayville, and Leyton Lawrence of Great Falls, MT; his siblings, Rodney Fischer of Saxton and Deb (Wendall) Muche of Mayville; his nieces and nephews, Ryan Fischer, Lindsey (Jon) Jonas, Shelby (Justin) Braun, Derek (Lea) Muche, and Courtney (Lucas) Villwock; further survived by other relatives and many friends.   He was preceded in death by his grandparents and his uncle, Lynn Fischer.   In honoring Jeff’s wishes, a celebration of life will be held on Friday, Oct. 28, from 4 to 9 p.m. at the Williamstown Hall in Kekoskee.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com
12 October 2022


Shirley Jean Justman

Shirley Jean Justman

   Shirley Jean Justman (nee Mueller), 88, of the Town of Herman, passed away Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022, at the Aurora Medical Center in Hartford.    Shirley was born October 27, 1933, in Walla Walla, Washington, to Lillian (nee Milbrath) and Clarence Mueller.   She was united in marriage to Earl A. Justman on October 17, 1953, at United Church of Christ in West Bend.   Shirley enjoyed traveling, polka dancing, bowling, snowmobiling, and loved going to Green Bay to her beloved Packers.   Shirley is survived by her son, Perry (Barbara) Justman and grandchildren, Jaime (Edward) Newman, and Scott Justman. She loved her great-grandchildren, Porter, Ainsley, and Eddie III. She is also survived by her brother, Dean (Evelyn) Mueller; among nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.    She was preceded in death by her husband, Earl; parents, Lillian and Clarence Mueller; and parents-in-law, Alvin and Irma (nee Ringel) Justman.   A Memorial Service for Shirley was held Wednesday, Oct. 12, at the Shimon Funeral Home, 824 Union Street Hartford, WI 53027, with Rev. Jeffrey Drake officiating. Inurnment was in Emmanuel Ev. Lutheran Cemetery, Town of Herman.   The Shimon Funeral Home served the family.   (262) 673-9500 www.shimonfuneralhome.com
05 October 2022


Scott Ray Plum

Scott Ray Plum

Scott Ray Plum, 62, of Lomira, previously of Merrill, passed away unexpectedly at his mother's home in Mer rill on Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2022. He was born on March 16, 1960, to Duane and Carol (Barker) Plum in Tomahawk. His mother survives. Scott met his soul mate and the love of his life, Sandy Burmeister, and the two joined in marriage on June 1, 2007, in Lomira. She survives. Scott was definitely a "jack of all trades,' but especially loved welding. He has a laser table and a whole shop dedicated to his welding pro jects. Not only did he excel at welding, but he was also an amazing wood worker, making many gifts for his family and friends, including a large wooden Harley David son motorcycle. Scott was passionate about riding motorcycles with Sandy and their club friends and going every where together. Recently they took their dream trip Sturgis and Mount Rushmore, as well as the Grand Canyon. He also enjoyed deer hunting and fishing. Scott adored their three black long-haired German Shepherds, Kane, Kyle, and Bai E ley; they were his babies! He was a jokester and had a witty sense of humor. Scott will be sadly missed but never forgotten. Scott leaves be hind his wife, Sandy Plum; mother, Carol Leavitt; sister, Beverly (Jeffrey) Bootz; nephews, Mathew and Jesse Bootz; niece, Heidi, as well as many extended family members and numerous friends.He was preceded in death by his bonus father, Lester Leavitt; sister, Elaine Plum; brother, Wayne Plum; and nephew, Joseph Bootz. Per family request, no formal services will be held for Scott, rather a Celebration of Life in Lomira at a later date. Waid Funeral Home & Cremation Ser vice of Merrill is assisting the family with arrangements. On line condolences are encouraged and may be made at www. waidfuneral. com.


Virginia L. Richter

Virginia L. Richter

Virginia L. Richter, 84, of Mayville passed away peacefully on September 30, 2022, at Prairie Ridge Assisted Living in Mayville with her family by her side. Virginia was born the daughter of Harold and Lyla (Hornbeck) Buss on October 30, 1937, in Potosi. She was a 1955 graduate of Potosi High School.Virginia was united in marriage to Harlan Herwig on June 30, 1958, until his death in 1974. She was later married to Al Richter in 1985.Virginia had worked as a telephone operator at AT& T.She was a talented artist and enjoyed painting watercolors and drawing. In addition, she crafted her own variety of ‘Fabergé’ eggs, which were treasured by her family. She also loved rock collecting.Virginia is survived by her three daughters, Scarlett Herwig of New Mexico, Joy Herwig of Virginia, and Lori (Jerome) Traughber of Juneau; her grandchildren are Mitchell (Madison) Traughber of Virginia Beach, VA, and Madison ‘Madi’ (fiancé Jacob Hakola) Traughber of Pleasanton, CA; her siblings are Mike Buss of Iowa, Sandy (Roger) Coats of Indiana, and Pam Buss of Lancaster. She is further survived by nieces, nephews, other relatives, and friends.She was preceded in death by her parents; and her husbands, Harlan and Al.In honoring Virginia’s wishes, the family will have a private gathering.Special thanks to the staff of Prairie Ridge Assisted Living in Mayville and Generations Hospice for the care and support shown to Virginia and her family.Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. KoepsellFH.com
29 September 2022


Norene K. Gonring

Norene K. Gonring

   Norene K. Gonring (nee Christian) age 70, of Lomira, passed away on Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2022, at Froedtert Hospital in West Bend with her family by her side.   Norene was born the daughter of Arnold and Marilyn (Wendegatz) Christian on July 13, 1952, in Beaver Dam. She was baptized on August 3, 1952, and confirmed on May 15, 1966, at Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church (River Church) in the Township of Theresa.   She was a 1970 graduate of Mayville High School.   Norene was united in marriage to Alan V. Gonring on June 2, 1989, at Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church, Town of Theresa. She spent her career in food service with over 25 years working at Froedtert Hospital in West Bend.   Norene was a faithful member of St. Peter’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Fond du Lac. She loved to sing in the church choir, cook, garden, and take care of her flowers. She enjoyed many genres of music such as polka, country, and oldies to name a few.   Together with her husband Al, they liked to travel and had many good trips together in northern Wisconsin.   Norene is survived by her husband, Alan of Lomira; her siblings, Nancy (Bill) Connell of Oconomowoc, Marjean (Rick) Lerch of Theresa, Marsha (Dan) Roskopf of Mayville, and Annette (Bob) Foshey of Hartland; sisters-in-law, Gloria Christian of Mayville and Rita (Phil) Hanson of Town of Trenton; her brother-in-law- Dennis (Ann) Gonring of West Bend and Alan's daughter, Aimee; further survived by nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.   She was preceded in death by her parents and her brothers, Allen and Loren Christian.   A memorial service for Norene took place on Monday, Oct. 3, at 11 a.m. at St. Peter Ev. Lutheran Church in Fond du Lac with the Rev. Michael Zuberbier officiating. Visitation took place at Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville on Sunday, Oct. 2, from 4 to 6 p.m. and at the church on Monday, Oct. 3 from 9:30 a.m. until the time of the service at 11 a.m. A luncheon followed the service. Private family inurnment took place at Emmanuel Ev. Lutheran Cemetery, Town of Herman.   Memorials may be directed to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. www.PanCan.org   Special thanks to the doctors, nurses, and staff at Froedtert Hospital and Cancer Center of West Bend and Wauwatosa for the care and support shown to Norene and her family.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com
28 September 2022


Karleen L. Raetz

Karleen L. Raetz

 Karleen L. Raetz, 85, of Mayville, passed away on Sunday, Sept. 25, 2022, at Froedtert Hospital in West Bend.    Karleen was born the daughter of Bernard and Mildred “Dixie” (Kennedy) O’Moore on April 23, 1937, in Madison.   She was united in marriage to Raymond Raetz in 1979.   Karleen was a foodie. She loved Cranberry Fest and Irish Fest. Karleen enjoyed bowling, golfing, playing cribbage, and traveling.    Karleen is survived by her son, Marvin “Chip” (Debbie) Maki Jr; her grandchildren, Sherry (Scott) Smith, Danielle (John) Wiedmeyer, Jolene (Korey) Kane, and Alina Maki-Guzlecki. She is further survived by nine great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; her beloved dog, Maggie; and other relatives and friends.    Karleen was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Raymond; her daughter, Melody; her brother, Dale; and sister, Janet.    In honoring Karleen’s wishes, no formal service will be held.    Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is caring for the family. Koepsellfh.com
20 September 2022


Joseph R. Meyer

Joseph R. Meyer

   Joseph R. Meyer, age 38, of Horicon, passed away unexpectedly on Friday, September 16, 2022, at Waupun Hospital in Waupun.   Joseph was born the son of George ‘Mike’ and Elaine (nee Minerva) Meyer on July 14, 1984, in Des Plaines, IL.    He was an avid fan of the Chicago Cubs, Blackhawks, and Bears. He loved to play street hockey with his father, brother, and friends. Joe was also an avid fan of WWE wrestling and attended many WWE events.   Joe loved life and lived it well. He was a person who always showed love and care to others and helped those less fortunate. He will be dearly missed.   Joe is survived by his loving parents, George and Elaine of Horicon; and his siblings, Michael (Emily) Meyer of Beaver Dam and Mary (fiancé’ Adam Lindert) Meyer of Beaver Dam. Beloved Godfather of Alaina Lindert and Elliot Selvaggio. He is further survived by other relatives and many friends.   He was preceded in death by his grandparents.   A funeral service for Joseph will take place on Monday, September 26, 2022, at 11 a.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Horicon with the Rev. Fr. Justin Lopina presiding. A visitation will be held on Monday, September 26, from 9-11 a.m. at the church in Horicon. A luncheon will follow the service.   Memorials in loving memory of Joe may be directed to the American Diabetes Association and Baggin’ for a Cure.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Horicon is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com