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Barbara A. Kornely

Barbara A. Kornely Barbara A. Kornely
   Barabara A. Ko­r­nely, 77, of Fox Lake, died on Tues­day, July 11, 2023, at St. Mary’s Hos­pi­tal in Madi­son.
Bar­bara Ann was born on Sep­tem­ber 30, 1945, in Chicago, Illi­nois, to Al­fred and Martha (Schwake) Schellin. While grow­ing up on her par­ents’ farm in Mayville, she was very ac­tive in 4H and prob­a­bly won many Blue Rib­bons for her cloth­ing en­tries at the Dodge County Fair. Barb helped her dad on the farm with var­i­ous farm chores, earn­ing the name “Bobby” from her Dad.
Barb was the vale­dic­to­rian of her class at Mayville High School in 1963, and she fur­thered her ed­u­ca­tion with a bach­e­lor’s de­gree in Home Eco­nom­ics from Stout State Uni­ver­sity in 1967. She was rec­og­nized for Who’s Who in Amer­ica’s Col­leges and Uni­ver­si­ties for her par­tic­i­pa­tion in the stu­dent ed­u­ca­tion as­so­ci­a­tion, as a copy ed­i­tor of the Stou­ton­ian col­lege news­pa­per, the sec­re­tary of the Home Eco­nom­ics Club, an ed­i­tor-re­porter of Phi Ep­silon Omi­cron, and pub­lic­ity chair­per­son of Women’s Recre­ation As­so­ci­a­tion. Barb also par­tic­i­pated in 4H Club and Lutheran As­so­ci­a­tion.
Barb was united in mar­riage with Lee Ko­r­nely on Jan­u­ary 21, 1967, in Mayville. To­gether, they owned and op­er­ated Ko­r­nely’s Craft and Hobby Cen­ter in Beaver Dam for 49 years. Barb taught cook­ing and sewing classes at Moraine Park Tech­ni­cal Col­lege for sev­eral years, and taught at the Ju­nior High school in Baron for a year.
She loved to read, craft, cook, paint and spend­ing time in the gar­den. Barb had a unique abil­ity to learn new crafts, so she could pass this knowl­edge to oth­ers. She shared her love of craft­ing with count­less peo­ple over the years.
Barb was ac­tive in the Beaver Dam Cham­ber of Com­merce and was pres­i­dent of the Woman’s Af­fil­i­ate in 1985, and was a board mem­ber for ACCI (As­so­ci­ated Cre­ative Craft In­dus­tries).
Barb is sur­vived by her hus­band, Lee of Fox Lake; chil­dren, Sara (Ken) Fi­rari of Low­ell, Mark Ko­r­nely of Beaver Dam, and Todd (Saman­tha) Ko­r­nely of Lit­tle Torch Key, FL; grand­chil­dren, Blaiz Fi­rari, Con­nor Ko­r­nely, and An­drew Ko­r­nely; sib­lings, Diane (Ken) Kanzen­bach, Melvin (Brenda) Schellin, and Jean (Den­nis) Buss; nieces and nephews; other rel­a­tives and friends.
   She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents; sis­ter, Car­olyn Dehler; and brother, Don­ald Schellin.
   The memo­r­ial gath­er­ing will be at Koepsell-Mur­ray Fu­neral Home in Beaver Dam on Fri­day, July 21, from 10 a.m. until noon. The memo­r­ial ser­vice will fol­low at the fu­neral home on Fri­day at noon with Rev. Jim Wendt of­fi­ci­at­ing.
   We would like to thank the staff at the Colum­bus ER, and spe­cial thanks to Saint Mary’s doc­tors, nurses and hos­pice staff for mak­ing Barb’s jour­ney into heaven a peace­ful one. She had bat­tled can­cer since 1996, and fi­nally suc­cumbed to treat­ment com­pli­ca­tions.
The Koepsell-Mur­ray Fu­neral Home in Beaver Dam is car­ing for the fam­ily. To leave on­line con­do­lences, or for di­rec­tions and other in­for­ma­tion, please visit our web­site at www.​KoepsellFH.​com.