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Clinton “Buzzy” Peter Zimmerman Jr.

Clinton “Buzzy” Peter Zimmerman Jr. Clinton “Buzzy” Peter Zimmerman Jr.
  Clin­ton Peter Zim­mer­man Jr. “Buzzy” passed away at the age of 74 in Juneau, peace­fully at his home with his four chil­dren by his side on June 24, 2023.
   Buzzy was born in Hart­ford, to Clin­ton and Marie (nee In­falt) Zim­mer­man.
   He grew up in the Slinger and Hart­ford area and as a child he would often be found at the Slinger Speed­way watch­ing his dad race cars, or out fish­ing, catch­ing frogs and col­lect­ing coins and stamps. His dad’s race car was #44. This num­ber came to be a very cher­ished, pow­er­ful, and mean­ing­ful num­ber to every­one in his fam­ily down to the grand kids hon­or­ing this tra­di­tion by hav­ing it on their jer­seys.
Buzzy at­tended high school at Hart­ford Union High, grad­u­at­ing c/o 1966. After high school he was drafted into the United States Army where he served as an MP in the Viet­nam War. When he re­turned home, he at­tended MATC for Art and De­sign. As an adult he en­joyed going out, roller skat­ing, play­ing sports, hik­ing the hills of Pike Lake, and scuba div­ing. A huge part of his life was ded­i­cated to work­ing in his fam­ily busi­ness at the Zim­mer­man’s Auto Body shop in Hart­ford, which he took over from his fa­ther Clin­ton Sr. His pas­sion of art came through in the shop by cus­tom paint jobs which landed him in mul­ti­ple auto mag­a­zines for his in­cred­i­ble tal­ent.
In 1973 Buzzy mar­ried Glo­ria Ann Gehl from Slinger, where they ran the au­to­body shop and raised their three chil­dren. Al­though they went their sep­a­rate ways, they shared a bond of friend­ship, re­spect and a ded­i­cated level of co-par­ent­ing. In 1991 Buzzy was blessed with his fourth child, who is now ex­tremely close with his other three chil­dren. In 1996 he closed down the shop and moved to Mayville, WI where he worked for Mayville Metal and also at Berlon in Hus­tis­ford.
   While in Mayville, Buzzy con­tin­ued his pas­sion for art­work. As a tal­ented artist he took pride in wood carv­ing, air­brush­ing, paint­ing, draw­ing, and an­tique toy col­lect­ing and restora­tion. He spent much of his time re­search­ing the postal his­tory of the sur­round­ing coun­ties and would often visit the Hori­con Marsh to hike and find in­spi­ra­tion for his many na­ture in­spired paint­ings. His love for na­ture con­tin­ued on with his unique pas­sion for 4-leaf clovers. One would often find him out in the sun­shine with his nose in the grass find­ing that per­fect clover. This is now a com­fort­ing mem­ory for his fam­ily and a past time tra­di­tion his chil­dren will con­tinue.
Buzzy’s last ac­com­plish­ment was tak­ing the Bad­ger Honor Flight out to Wash­ing­ton DC on May 20, 2023. He beamed with pride as he was wel­comed home by his loved ones.
   He is re­mem­bered by his sis­ters, Chrissie (Art) Lobotzki, Bob­bie (Michael) Ebben, Suzie (Jeff) Schrab; chil­dren, Cale “Mojo” Zim­mer­man, Kara (Corey) Er­stad, Kena (Steven) Archer and Tyler (Sammy) Zim­mer­man; and grand­chil­dren, Kowen Er­stad, Bray­den Zim­mer­man, Kenley Er­stad, Dax­ton Archer, and Evette Zim­mer­man, as well as many loved nieces and nephews.
   Buzzy was pre­ceded in his death by his fa­ther, Clin­ton and mother, Marie, and sis­ters, Kathy Galvan and Molly Zim­mer­man.
A spe­cial thank you to his CNA Kari through Vis­it­ing An­gels, and all the staff at Rain­bow Hos­pice, es­pe­cially his Nurse, Emmy and So­cial Worker, Jes­sica for their com­fort and sup­port to him and his fam­ily dur­ing his final days. Lastly, a kind thank you to Mike Raasch Jr., your kind­ness in his time of need will never be for­got­ten. In lieu of flow­ers, please con­sider a do­na­tion to the Bad­ger Honor Flight at https://​bad​gerh​onor​flig​ht.​org/​do­nate
A Cel­e­bra­tion of Buzzy’s Life will be held Sat­ur­day, Au­gust 26, 2023. De­tails to fol­low, please visit www.​shi​monf​uner​alho​me.​com for up­dated in­for­ma­tion.