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Verona Lucille Sterr

Verona Lucille Sterr Verona Lucille Sterr
   Verona Lu­cille Sterr passed away peace­fully at Hope Health in Lomira on Mon­day, Feb. 13, 2023, with her fam­ily by her side.
Verona Lu­cille was born April 18, 1924, in the Town­ship of Wayne, Wash­ing­ton County, at the home of her par­ents, George and Es­ther (Schw­ertz) Pam­perin on Good Fri­day. She was bap­tized on May 4, 1924, and con­firmed, in the Ger­man lan­guage, on March 21,1937, at Zion Evan­gel­i­cal Lutheran Church, Town of Wayne.
   Verona was a mem­ber of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Brownsville. She had a strong faith.
She went to Eng­lish grade school in the coun­try from Sep­tem­ber to the end of April. Then Ger­man school from May 1 until July. She learned bible sto­ries, hymns and cat­e­chism in Ger­man and Eng­lish, while help­ing her dad and mother on the farm, dri­ving horses with the hay wagon, plant­ing beets and car­ry­ing milk pails every day.
After com­plet­ing grade school, there was no fur­ther ed­u­ca­tion avail­able in the area un­less she would room and board in the city. She de­cided to clean houses. Later worked at Amity Leather fac­tory in West Bend. Next, she boarded with a fam­ily mem­ber and worked at Mayville Can­ning Fac­tory and Mayville Shoe Fac­tory.
Verona mar­ried Don­ald Sterr, a WWII vet­eran, on Au­gust 28, 1946, at Zion Lutheran Church in the Town Wayne. The Lord blessed their mar­riage with three chil­dren.
Verona had many won­der­ful gifts from the Lord that she shared with many peo­ple through­out the years. She was a mem­ber of the church ladies aid, Sun­day school teacher, 4-H leader, and vol­un­teered 47 years at Bethesda Thrift Store. Verona was the head of the book de­part­ment and loved to read books; she also loved do word cir­cles. She won awards in cook­ing bake-offs and sewing con­tests. Verona wrote two cook­books on her fa­vorite fam­ily recipes. She stud­ied fam­ily ge­neal­ogy and co-au­thored The Sterr Fam­ily Newslet­ter. Verona also vol­un­teered to trans­late Ger­man let­ters and doc­u­ments to Eng­lish for any­one who needed it. She loved flow­ers, which she planted around her house. She trav­eled to Ger­many, Switzer­land, Aus­tria, Hud­son Bay, Mex­ico and many trips in the U.S. Pink was her fa­vorite color.
Verona and her hus­band, Don­nie, op­er­ated a dairy farm in Mayville. Verona was a hard-worker and al­ways helped in any way that she could. She drove trac­tor dur­ing har­vest sea­son and milked the cows, while lend­ing a hand in tak­ing care of her grand­sons. She also had her own chicken and egg busi­ness in which she had 500 chick­ens and fur­nished eggs for the Mayville School lunch pro­gram, three gro­cery stores in Mayville, and a bak­ery in Mil­wau­kee. She lived in her farm­house until No­vem­ber 29, 2022, when she moved to Hope Se­nior Liv­ing in Lomira.
Verona is sur­vived by her two chil­dren, Eu­nice Jun­gen­berg (Ron Clarin) and Jerome (Karen) Sterr, both of Mayville; her four grand­sons, Jason (Lori) Sterr, Jesse Sterr, Tim Sterr, and Lucas (Lacy) Sterr; four great-grand­chil­dren, Lyla, Leana, Leo, and Riley Sterr; one sis­ter, Adela Pamerin; and a brother-in-law, David (Sandy) Sterr. Verona is fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives, and friends.
Verona was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents, George and Es­ther Pam­perin; her hus­band, Don­ald Sterr; her son, Allen; brother, Arthur Pam­perin; sis­ter, Lu­cille Czoschke; sis­ter-in-laws, Diana Pam­perin, Betty Nickel, and Dorothy Sterr; also, broth­ers in-law, Ar­mond Sterr, Ar­mond Czoschke, and Melvin Nickel; three nephews, Clyde Czoschke, Larry Nickel, And Brian Pam­perin.
A fu­neral ser­vice for Verona will be held on Sat­ur­day, Feb.18, at 1 p.m. at St Paul’s Lutheran Church in Brownsville with Rev. William Carter of­fi­ci­at­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion for Verona will be at church on Sat­ur­day, Feb. 18, from 11 a.m. until the time of ser­vice at 1 p.m. In­ter­ment will fol­low the ser­vice at St. Luke’s Ceme­tery in Knowles.
Verona’s fam­ily would like to thank the staff at Hope Se­nior Liv­ing in Lomira for the care and com­pas­sion they showed Verona and her fam­ily dur­ing her time there.
Verona’s con­fir­ma­tion text, Psalm 37:4 “De­light your­self in the Lord and he will give you the de­sires of your heart.”
Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com